This story revolves around a monkey king who was so wicked and insecure that he did not allow any of his sons to survive and inherit his throne. He killed or maimed all his sons born of the many queens he had. He also had one wise queen who after giving birth to a baby boy monkey, she decided to go to a far away forest and raise her son. The queen taught her son ways of wisdom and bravery. The baby monkey grew older and wiser, and wanted to meet his father. The queen explained to him the nature of his father but he insisted to meet him. When they finally met, the king monkey pretended that he was happy to meet his son and went ahead to embrace him. The king squeezed his son so hard hoping that the young prince would die. When the young prince realized that his father wanted to kill him, he also squeezed him so much. The king was even worried that the young prince would dethrone him when he felt his strength. The king pretended that he was ready to make the young prince his heir and sent him to get flowers for his coronation. The only place that had flowers was a pond that was ruled by a water giant. Obviously, the king monkey thought that the giant would kill the young monkey. The prince scrutinized the area around the pond and discovered that animals could only get into the pond but not outside, meaning that something was killing them. He decided to get the flowers without touching the water. When he had gathered enough, the giant emerged and commented the young prince for his wisdom and bravery. The giant offered to assist the prince carry the flowers to the palace where out of cowardice, the old monkey king declared the prince king of his kingdom. The old king left for the mountains.